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eBooks lead the book market, selling millions of digital books per year.

We utilize this technology by publishing almost every single book that we handle into a digital format.

We work diligently with Kindle, Nook and Kobo to offer our books at low prices on their platforms. 
eBooks published by us normally sell for $.99 - 3.99 (we often run free deals and special prices)

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​10 Reasons why eBooks are Better

1. They’re quicker to obtain.
If you want specific information and it’s available in a book, you can purchase an eBook and download it immediately. Instead of waiting for a printed book to be delivered, you can assess this information now.

2. eBooks are more easily updated and upgraded.
Information changes rapidly today. Books on many subjects can become dated very quickly. eBooks can be easily and quickly kept up to date. When you order an eBook, it can be the most up-to-the-minute information available.

3. You usually get far more than just the book.
Most eBooks are sold with bonuses and related information that usually don’t come with the purchase of a traditional book. You might pay the same or even a bit more for an eBook, but you usually get more, too.

4. eBooks take up less space.
Instead of a bulky library, you can fit literally thousands of books on your computer. It also makes it easier to share this information with family and coworkers.

5. eBooks don’t use up trees.
Except when you print one out–something I usually do for booklets and special reports–eBooks use very few natural resources. We save trees and help reduce pollution from pulp mills.

6. They’re more portable.
You can have quick and easy access to hundreds of books on your desktop computer, notebook or eBook reader. They’re much easier to take with you than traditional tomes.

7. References can be hot-linked.
Easy links to Web sites and other references can be placed in an electronic book. While reading, you can click on hot links to other places to find out more. With the proliferation of wireless networks, this will become even more useful.

8. You can custom brand them.
Other people’s eBooks can be branded with your name and you can allow others to brand YOUR eBooks with THEIR name. There are many viral eBooks and reports that the creators will often allow you to give away or sell, with your name or company’s name shown on the cover or linked at the end.

9. You can do global searches and find information quickly.
When you’re looking for certain information within a book, you can easily find it using the find feature. It saves you time and aggravation looking for something in particular.

10. The technology will get better.
This is an emerging technology and people are often slow to change. But as the quality of monitors improve and become more compact and mobile, more and more we’ll be reading electronic books.

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