Montgomery Coleman Publishing

Each of our authors are legally protected by up to $15,000.
Montgomery Coleman employees (5) licensed attorneys in the United States.
We protect the credibility of our company and our employees with the upmost respect and authority possible.
We do not (nor will we ever) hesitate to enforce the legal rights of our authors.
This has always been our promise and one that we take great pride in.
Montgomery Coleman
Each and every book and publication that bares our logo and information is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office Each book (publication) is registered both to Montgomery Coleman and to the rightful author.
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Plagiarism is a crime
How much can you get fined for plagiarism? If found guilty, offenders could face fines up to $50,000 and a one-year jail sentence. Penalties may be stiffer if you have earned money from the plagiarized material.
As all of us know, there are many kinds of frauds a person can commit. Apart from the frauds like in property, copyrights etc, let me tell you plagiarism is equally falls in the category of frauds. The plagiarist knows that they are not the real author but still gives their names to that.
Plagiarism may also be referred as ‘academic misconduct’. There is no doubt about that plagiarism is making fraud with those persons who are original authors. Fraud & plagiarism are two words but having same meaning.
You should also know that plagiarism is a crime as similar of fraud.
Consult for more information.
Online Stalking
Harassment and Abuse
We absolutely will not tolerate any form of harassment or abuse to our authors!
This also includes personal and physical misconduct. As mentioned above, our authors are legally protected (in all 50 states) through the Montgomery Coleman legal staff.
The information tag (seen here) is attached to all correspondence received through this website. Abusive content, threats, violence, slander and other illegal actions will be forwarded (with the tag) to your internet service provider and local police department if needed.
We take the safety and comfort of our authors seriously.